Saturday, February 18, 2012

Genital System Changes During Pregnancy

  • Uterus
a) Body of uterus - 
Pelvic organ at 1st trimester, abdominal organ after 12weeks & dextrorotated as it enlarges due to presence of left side rectosigmoid colon. 
Pear shape at 1st few weeks, globular shape in the 1st trimester & ovoid shape at term.
Similar to fetal head at 12th weeks, at the level of umbilicus at 24th weeks & at the level of xiphi-sternum at 36th weeks.
Softening of the uterus is due to ↑ vascularity & presence of amniotic fluid.
↑ from 50-70 gm to 1000 gm at full term (20x ↑ in weight).
↑ from 10 ml to 5L or more (500-1000x ↑ in capacity)
Differentiated into deciduas
- Hypertrophy & hyperplasia of the muscle fibers due to ↑ synthesis of polyamines.
- Differentiated into 3 layers: outer longitudinal- push fetus during delivery, middle interlacing- preventing post-partum hemorrhage & inner circular- hold the fetus up.
↑ elastic fibers facilitating uterine distension.
Hypertrophied & firmly attached to the upper uterine segment & loosely attached to the lower uterine segment. (important in caesarean section)
Uterine ligaments
Hypertrophy of the broad, round, cardinal & uterosacral ligaments.
↑ contents
Blood vessels, lymphatics & nerves.
Palmer’s sign
Uterine contraction felt during vaginal examination in early pregnancy
[these are irregular & painless]
Uterine contraction felt during 2nd & 3rd trimester of pregnancy
[sporadic, unpredictable, non-rhythmic & its intensity not exceeding 25mm Hg]
False labour pains
Uterine discomfort & account for false labour pain as pregnancy advances
[↑ in frequency & intensity, no effects on dilation & effacement of cervix]
Uteroplacental blood flow
Progressive ↑ in uteroplacental blood flow to reach 450-650ml / minute at term
b) Isthmus - is transformed into the lower uterine segment.
Upper uterine changes during pregnancy (click at the image to enlarge)
Lower uterine changes during pregnancy (click at the image to enlarge)

  • Cervix
- Hypertrophy & softening of the cervix
- Hypertrophy of cervical mucosa
- Increased vascularity of the cervix
- Cervical mucous plug closes the cervical canal due to excess cervical secretion, it is discharged as bloody show with the onset of labor
- Rearragement of collagen fibers 

  • Vagina & vulva
- Hypertrophy & softening
- Varicose veins of the vulva (Kluge's sign)
- Blue or violet discoloration of the vulva (Chadwick's sign)
- Vaginal pH is acidic (3.5 - 6) due to increased production of lactic acid by lactobacilli
- Vaginal cytology show increased small intermediate cells under the effect of progesterone  

  • Ovary

  1. Genital System Changes
  2. Breast Changes
  3. Cardiovascular Changes
  4. Respiratory Changes
  5. Gastrointestinal Changes
  6. Liver & Gall Bladder Changes
  7. Urinary Changes
  8. Skin Changes
  9. Skeletal Changes
  10. Nervous System Changes
  11. Metabolic Changes
  12. Endocrinal Changes
  13. Immune System Changes


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