- Obstetrics Case Taking
- History Taking- (Personal History, Chief Complaint, Menstrual history, Obstetric history, Past History, Family History, Present History)
- Clinical Examination- (General examination, Abdominal Examination, Obstetric Maneuvers )
- Investigation
- Diagnosis
- Normal Pregnancy
- Fertilization, Implantation, & Early Development
- Plancenta & It's Function
- Amniotic Fluid
- Fetal Circulation
- Maternal Physiological Changes During Pregnancy- (Genital System, Breast, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Gastrointestinal System, Liver & Gall bladder, Urinary System,)
- Diagnosis of Pregnancy
- Abnormal Pregnancy
- Vomiting During Pregnancy
- Urinary Tract Disorders With Pregnancy
- Bleeding In Early pregnancy
- Normal Labour
- Female Pelvis & Fetal Skull
- Normal Labour
- Episiotomy
- Obstetric Analgesia & Anaesthesia
- Abnormal Labour
- Abnormal Presentation
- Multiple Pregnancy
- Normal & Abnormal Uterine Action
- Dystocia & Obstructed Labour
- Uterine Rupture
- Genital Tract Injury During Labour
- Third Stage Complications
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